Tuesday, January 15, 2008

u knw i hate the dial tone every time u make a call..
" tut-tut tut-tut tut-tut tut-tut tut-tut tut-tut tut-tut the number u hv called cannot be reached at the moment pls try again later"

7 times of "tut-tut" exactly 7 times.
i am so familiar wit that and i hate to know that i am familiar with this
which means i hv been calling
again and again
so many times and nobody answers my call...

or maybe he will answer and tell u i am busy...
does that make a difference?
sometimes. .

i hate to wait
but eventually
i've turn into a patient person coz i wait
for hours for days for months and maybe for years..

will u pls answer my calls?

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