Saturday, November 25, 2006

when is the holiday?
it's so far yet so near.
i miss the day when we don have to go to sch at the 1st of nov
we'll go red box, celebrating someone's bday....
aih.. i simply miss holidays..

Friday, November 24, 2006

Finally, I’ve sat for 7 papers.. 5 more and I’ll be shopping in sg!!!! Whee!!!

How was the papers???

For the first few papers, I was walking in to the hall happily and walked out happily.

Until, History!!

It almost kill me!! I felt my heart beat skipped once or twice or more? I don remember anymore.. I felt like I was writing my own history book during the paper.. Curse stupid history , curse the stupid xxx religion
* u know wat religion. If u don’t know, let me tell u. Ali is a xxx. Abu is a xxx. Aminah is a xxx………… aiya u know la.*

So.. other than that it was all fine..

I’m now looking forward to the day I’ll be in the bus with all me beloved frenz….

Beach. Sea. Sand. Wind. Volley ball. Shopping bag. Night safari. Christmas…..

Sunday, November 19, 2006

How is it like to be old? Let’s say 90 years old.
You would have all your children and grandchildren with you.
They love you a lot.
Till one day, you re not able to walk anymore, you lost control on dong things once you could do. You cant clean yourself, you can walk around. While your children, they love you but they have to work. They have no choice but to leave you alone.
In the end, you’ll have to wear pampers.
Are you able to put down your dignity to wear pampers? Will you not feel shame when your children have to clean yourself for u?

There’s a saying goes “ when a child is born, he or she will not leave his or her parents for 3 years”
3 years!! Could you imagine how tiring is it to take care a child for so many years? It‘s never an easy task.
When we re young, our parents take care of us. Clean up for us and never stop worrying about us. Until we re old enough to take care of ourselves, they would be still thinking of our safety.
Why is it when they re old, there are only few of us who can take care of them???? We only care for our family and leave them……..

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

picture time..
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look at sharon (the one in the green circle) raise your hands up wit me!!
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from the left wan lin, li xuan*muackz*, pei shi
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li teng, xin yi, me
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i took this pic by accident. during assembly the prefect was talking. got ya. hehe..
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me and leong
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presenting the going-to-be designer YEOH JEAH LONG
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dear cheau suang and my best fren-- zhi qi
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me, jiayie , ye ning*the pretty gal*
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the cam lover liteng, cheau suang , ning
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king trying to pose..
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the nicest guy in ssi.. boon
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my new met best fren.. XIN YI
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the axxxender lxx hxm gd fren wei hao, jia ler, n designer
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khai wan and he best fren yanyi
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kw and watermelon
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the brothers
SPM officially started today..
Last nite, i was the luckiest gal in the world.. i've received msges from my frens.. and calls too..
Thanks viv for your msg.. love you lots.. MuaCKZ!!
And my Dear ker lun called from penang juz to wish me good luck.. so sorry we couldn't talk much last nite.. My mum was staring at me from the beginning of the conversation til the end..
First paper of the day is chinese.. I don think that i've did well this time. But im quite sure that A2 is definitely in my finger tips.. According to my usual performance in sch i think that shouldnt be a prob. haha..
Tmor will be accounts.. I'm starting to hate accounts. while ppl get to sleep at home, stupid ppl like us who takes acc have to go to sch to sit for the exam!!! aih..
Nvm .. juz wait and see two more weeks to go and WHEE!!!!! Holiday!!!
Let's see.. The first thing i wanna do after spm is hanging around wit my frenz.. Since there re still no plans for us.. I'll plan for them.. ahha..
Ok first we'll change and to RED BOX!!! then, the next day i'll go to SG.. Orchard road wait for me.. AHAHAH.. I wanna see the deco in orchard it is always veli veli veli pretty.. 10th of dec is the big day of our trip!! it might not sound interesting to you but it definitely goin to be a unforgettable trip becoz 46 of us re goin together!!!! PANGKOR, GENTING and KL..
ok.. it is only the first day of spm and i'm dreaming of the last day of the year.. LOL..
aCcounts is waiting for me..
till then..

Saturday, November 11, 2006

dear baby,
it'syour bday yesterday. who says that nobody remember your bday so you don have to be happy and celebrate it? wrong wrong wrong.. see how many of your frens wished u happy bday. baby, u have lotsa frens who care for u. u re not alone. love u.

went to pelangi yesterday. we were suppose to have a small farewell party for our dear teacher Mr Yap. However, it ended up only 6 of us ncluding the teacher. We wereclose to mr yap since last year. we'll go for lunch together after tuition and everyone will be surprise when we call him "teacher". He looks so young.. 29 years old. will show his pic soon. haha..He is still single..

Friday, November 10, 2006

it's a long long day for jia ni....
well, as usual, daddy is not at home so i have to wake up early in the morning to get ready to go to sch. for your information, i've been missing class for 4 days becoz my dear granny is staying wit us again!!
So to take care of her, i have to stay at home.
when i reached sch this morning, everyone was like " why re u here?" "how's your granny?" "who's gonna take care of her?" thanks for my dear frens' concern.. She fine.
GOOD NEWS!! it's me and my baby's 8 months.. can you imagine time just flies like tat.. and i'll be sitting for SPM next wed!!! *phew...* nervous..
Sch was fun today, the F4 had Hari Kualiti so, the teachers are busy busy busy.. And we were playing playing playing like there's no more SPM.We sung in the class, teased each other, cam whoring....... I definitely enjoyed myself..
When it was time for us to arrange the tables, i could feel the tense in the air. We were nervous. Finally i felt, " yes, SPM is in a few days time"
But still, it didn't spoile my mood of shopping.. Sin yee my honey.. love ya.. thanks for acc me today.. MUACKZ!!
time to back to the books..

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

stupid stupid computer! this stupid computer is giving a hard time. juz to post a new post!
*patient jia ni.. patient..*
*breath in.. breath out..*
ok.. since i'm getting a new note book by end of this year, i'll forgive this stupid computer..
well.. this is my second blog in my whole life.. lol..... nvm about that...just hope that this will keep my best frens update when i'm not wit them.. *sob.. sob..* i'm so going to miss them..
say good bye to my dear frens and love ones...