Wednesday, November 15, 2006

picture time..
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look at sharon (the one in the green circle) raise your hands up wit me!!
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from the left wan lin, li xuan*muackz*, pei shi
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li teng, xin yi, me
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i took this pic by accident. during assembly the prefect was talking. got ya. hehe..
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me and leong
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presenting the going-to-be designer YEOH JEAH LONG
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dear cheau suang and my best fren-- zhi qi
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me, jiayie , ye ning*the pretty gal*
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the cam lover liteng, cheau suang , ning
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king trying to pose..
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the nicest guy in ssi.. boon
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my new met best fren.. XIN YI
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the axxxender lxx hxm gd fren wei hao, jia ler, n designer
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khai wan and he best fren yanyi
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kw and watermelon
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the brothers

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